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Good-enough parenting works for other kids, but somehow...
good enough just isn’t enough for this one.
It's your dream to be the gentle guide as your children grow and mature, but emotionally sensitive children need… more.
Learn what more looks like, in just 30 minutes a week ↓
Your child is the center of your world…
They are intelligent, empathic, curious, and determined.
You look into their eyes and see their beauty and strength.
But parenting them is not easy.
Their explosive reactions make it feel impossible to problem-solve or help them calm down.
Their emotional responses are out of whack — and in turn, so are yours (which you hate).
Their defiance and rigidity get them in trouble. Again and again and again.
Center of your world, but also, eye of the storm.
Every day feels like an emotional roller coaster…
Your child has a meltdown and refuses to be flexible at the exact moment when you need their cooperation ➡
The behavior snowballs, impacting other family members ➡
your heart rate soars, your anger flares…
You need them to calm down.
Function within the day-to-day basics.
Stop overreacting.
Stop being so needy, manipulative, and attention-seeking.
Managing high levels of stress and anxiety around the clock is eating away at you and impacting your family .
You find yourself constantly set off by your child. And you wish it would just stop. It needs to stop.
But why are they like this?
Because your child experiences the world more intensely.
There is nothing inherently wrong with them at all.
In fact, highly sensitive children are often gifted: They have the capacity to understand and interact with the world in a deep, meaningful way.
But without the right tools, parenting children with big emotions can be extremely challenging, if not impossible. That intuitive good-enough parenting that works for the other kids? It can actually cause mental health struggles for kids with big emotions. Gulp.
If you feel like you’re failing your child…
if you wish your child had been born with a different personality…
if you’ve lost hope for things to ever change…
you are not alone.
You have invested so much in trying to help your child.
You desperately want them to feel good about themselves, to feel loved, and to have an easier time interacting with the world around them — including you and your family.
And with the tools taught in Power Parenting you can get them there.
Imagine if you could:
Understand your child’s inner world (and know how to communicate to get through to them in times of distress)
React confidently and calmly to your child’s big emotions (and stay in control of what you say or do, no matter what they say or do)
Know how to help your child manage their emotions (and stop feeling overwhelmed and at a loss of what to do when they lose it)
Teach your child how to calm their body (and help them feel good about themselves and in control of their reactions)
Finally enable your child to shine (and taste the sweet, sweet taste of success)
You CAN. And you’ll learn everything you need to know inside
Parenting a child with big emotions doesn't have to feel impossible. In this course, you'll learn the tools to be “that parent,” the one who knows, with confidence, exactly what to do when their child’s behavior is out of control.
“Very practical, doable, and mapped out without losing the very human, caring angle.” — Power Parenting Member
You will discover how to…
✔ Skillfully coach your child for more effective behavior.
✔ Validate your child in a way that opens the door for change.
✔ Decrease your child’s risk for mental health problems in the long term.
Most of all, you’ll gain ALL the knowledge, understanding, and tools you need to become the parent you’ve dreamed of being — with the ability to make choices you’re proud of in every single scenario.
Ok, but how is this course different from all the other parenting courses out there?
This course is not:
generic parenting advice
anecdotal parenting methods based on what worked for someone else’s kids.
A parenting “method” that will need to be strictly followed in order to see success, without your understanding of the core principles behind the strategies,
It’s a course built on the DBT-C model, taught by a clinical psychologist who is extensively trained in CBT, DBT, and other third-wave CBT models, and trained by the developer of DBT for children (DBT-C).
It’s a course that teaches you – the parent of a sensitive child – a parenting model with a proven track-record so you can become the guide your child needs to thrive. You don't just get the skills – you get the evidence-based principles of DBT as it applies to sensitive children so you will know how to adjust and respond to any situation that arises as they grow.
YOU, not a therapist, can be your child’s most trusted adult.
YOU, not a therapist, can help your child cope.
This course will teach you how.
44.9% more children
saw results of “much improved” or “very much improved” after DBT-C treatment
vs those treated with other standard treatments.
Perepletchikova, et al. 2011
In Power Parenting, you’ll learn the DBT for children (DBT-C) model: a combination of the DBT method with parent training — a potent, effective parenting method.
Learn everything your child’s psychologist knows
Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Founder and Director of The CBT/DBT Center.
Dr. Kobernick has advanced training in DBT and specialized training in adaptations of DBT for adolescents and children. She has been supervised by Francheska Perepletchikova, PhD, developer of DBT for children (DBT-C), and is a trainer for DBT-C.
And in Power Parenting, Dr. Kobernick will teach you everything you need to know — the psychological and behavioral principles, emotion regulation strategies, trust- and relationship-building tools, and more.
After just 15 weeks — with diligent implementation — you’ll be equipped to parent your child and address their challenges just as effectively as she would.
And, you’ll do even better because no one adores and knows your child better than you.
Honored to have presented for
Parenting experts speak
I enthusiastically recommend her.
I attended the comprehensive DBT-C training given by Dr. Chaya Kobernick together with DBT-C founder Dr. Perepletchikova. Dr. Kobernick presents much practical wisdom and is clearly very knowledgeable in DBT-C. She has an engaging style and has helped many families who struggle with their children.
Chaim Neuhoff, PhD
Dr. Kobernick is a knowledgeable and talented DBT-C therapist.
She masterfully combines adherence to the model with creativity to meet the needs of her patients. Besides being an expert clinician, she has participated in training others in DBT-C.
Dr. Francheska Perepletchikova, the developer of DBT for children (DBT-C)
What you’ll learn
Module 1. Orientation — 13 classes
- Learn the foundational principles of Power Parenting and overarching perspectives for effective parenting
- Understand how behavior works, the role of the parent-child relationship and how to improve it — starting immediately
Module 2. Mindfulness — 8 classes
- Develop this incredibly potent core skill — the foundation for regulation, crisis management, and behavioral change
- Unlock your ability to choose your responses instead of acting on your automatic reactions
Module 3. Emotion regulation — 18 classes
- Manage your emotions so you can parent expertly in the face of outbursts
- Rework your relationship and experience with your emotions so they’re helpful instead of harmful
Module 4. Validation — 8 classes
- Get clarity on what validation does (and doesn’t) look like
- Acquire the most effective tool for your child’s long-term mental health
- Shape your child’s identity and ability to trust their inner world
Module 5. Getting Change-Ready — 25 classes
- Learn how to talk to your child based on your understanding of their needs
- Understand how our brains become conditioned to do what we do and what gets us (and our kids) to make lasting behavioral changes
BONUS CLASS #1 — Sensitive children and school
- How can you help your child succeed in school? How can you most effectively work with the school to provide for your child’s unique needs? Learn the approach to best support your child.
BONUS CLASS #2 — Effectively addressing teen violence
- Get validated, and learn how to address the painfully difficult challenge of sensitive teens who struggle with violence
- Understand how the DBT-C approach adapts to work for older children and more severe challenges
Registration closes on Monday, November 18 and the course begins on Thursday, November 21.
It runs for 15 weeks, with several short, prerecorded classes and supporting materials dripped out weekly.
(Each week contains about 30 minutes of videos, plus cheat sheets and home practices)
You will become the expert who can calmly and effectively help your child - and make it last.
You already love your child endlessly. And that means you're mostly there.
All you need is the knowledge + skills + systems to connect that love to the tools that will help bring calm to you, to your child, to your family, and ultimately help them succeed in life.
Everything taught in this course is backed by scientific evidence, and is essential for being a parent of a big-feeling child.
There’s no room for fluff.
Let’s get you there.
Have questions? We've got answers
Why should I take this course if my child is the one who needs help learning skills, not me?
My child's behavior is not so severe but he is so emotionally intense. Is this course for me?
Can I take this course even if I’m not doing DBT-C at the clinic?
My child has ADHD, will this be helpful? It doesn't say geared for ADHD anywhere.
Who has time for this??
How will the content be released?
What if I miss a week?
When is the course and how much time do I need for it?
- 72 bite-sized classes with everything you need to know, paced to a realistic schedule, to watch on your own time
- Beautifully designed, comprehensive cheat sheets for reviewing every lesson
- Weekly home-practices to shift the lessons from info in your brain to actual tools in your toolbox
- Beautifully bound workbook, delivered
- Quizzes to solidify what you’ve learned
- 3 LIVE Q&A sessions
- Community forum for support and answers to your questions
- Tech support for help as needed
- Lifetime access to all the content
Limited number of exclusive partial scholarships available for those who cannot otherwise afford the course.
Email [email protected] to request an application.
Our Money-Back Guarantee
We are convinced that the skills and systems you’ll learn in this course will change your and your child’s life.
So much so, that we offer a full, money-back guarantee.
If you completed the course, including the take-home personalization work, quizzes, and all live Q&A sessions, and you don’t see positive changes in your child's behavior, we will ask you to do a quick exit interview so we can confirm that you implemented the techniques, and then give you a full refund.
Your child is intensssse.
On a typical day, you’re navigating overwhelming explosions, unpredictable behavior, and extreme mood swings.
You never know what might trigger an emotional response from your child.
For 9-year-old Yitz, it’s slamming doors and kicking chairs if there’s a meal he doesn’t want to eat.
For 7-year-old Dina Leah, it’s violence when a sibling touches her stuff.
For 11-year-old Debbie, it’s incessant whining, wheedling, and manipulating if her schedule is delayed.
And for 5-year-old Chezky, just a missing shoe can trigger all of the above reactions.
It eats away at you, but even more sadly, it erodes their own self-esteem.
You want to help your child regulate their intense emotions so they can express themselves more effectively and enjoy healthy relationships and robust self-worth.
This course charts the path for you to bring your child there.